Top Green Products

The top green products provide simple practical solutions that allow us to reduce our carbon footprint while making life easier at the same time. But where do you begin? With so many green toys and tools to choose from it can sometimes be overwhelming, so following are the 10 top green products to help you get started.

Energy Saving Light bulbs: The energy saving light bulb is one of the top eco products for being so useful, so simple and such an easy way to make a big difference.


Non-Flush Urinals: These are being used more and more in a range of commercial locations and are some of the best top green products saving water and energy while maintaining the same level of hygiene. It only takes business owners and managers to make the right decision and these results can cumulatively make a huge difference.


Smart Flush Bags: But if you want to save flush-water at home then you’ll need to use smart flush bags – another of the top green products which save a liter of water for every flush by just hanging inside your toilet.


Water Powered Clocks: Some green products win points for being chic and hip as much as actually saving us energy, and for demonstrating innovation and imagination. This way they can help make going green ‘cool’ and inspire the creation of others. Water powered clocks make just such a green statement and are highly creative – running off salt water which corrodes electrodes in order to release electrons.


Hybrid Cars: Hybrid cars have to be considered some of the top green products cutting in half our use of petrol and saving us a lot of money as a result while minimizing our carbon footprint. While entirely electric cars are a great concept, a lack of recharge opportunities and a fairly limited selection of models means that they aren’t quite practical just yet. Hybrid cars however give you that extra bit of fuel for hills and for when you’re caught short, and charge their own electric engine so you don’t have to. They’re of course also a great investment like many of the top green products and can save you a lot of money over the course of a few journeys.


Dell Studio Hybrid: If you really want to make a statement that says you’re green and tech savvy though, few will do so like having a green PC. The Dell Studio Hybrid is just such a PC which uses an energy efficient power supply, is encased in responsibly harvested bamboo, requires less power to run, and even comes with a recycling kit with recyclable packaging.


Voltaic Generator Laptop Bag: Hows this for tech innovation though – a laptop bag that uses solar voltaic solar panels in order to charge your laptop and appliances while you’re on the move. Green, and genuinely useful meaning you’ll never be caught short without the power to catch up on your work.


Dry Shampoo: Dry shampoo is gaining momentum and catching on as one of the top green products – allowing people to wash their hair while on the move, saving time, water and effort. They don’t serve as a full replacement for showers, but like the laptop bag they demonstrate how the top green products can provide a highly practical benefit as well as being eco-friendly.


Video Conferencing: Video conferencing set ups are one of the top green products for businesses, saving companies from needing to travel across the country or even abroad by allowing them to converse with other businesses across the world from the comfort of their conference rooms.


Bikes: The top green products don’t all have to be modern gizmos – in fact one of the top green products that’s been around before we started talking about global warming is the bike – it gives you a great way to stay fit and lose weight, and it means you can avoid driving or taking the train.


  1. Non flush urinals is one of top green products? What does that mean? What does a non flush urinal do? Sounds a little bit strange.

    In my opinion, bikes are first in top green products. Can’t go greener than that!

  2. Hybrid cars are amazing. I have a coworker who has one. I want one so bad but it is not in my price range. Maybe some day they will come down in price. I hope so.

  3. I too think bikes are first in top green products. Imagine our world without cars. Imagine how less polluted will be the world. It is a beautiful picture for me. Bikes are definitely the first in top green products.

    1. I agree with Brianna. I would have put bikes on the first place among these top green products too. I too want to see a world without cars. Or if this is not possible then at least we should replace petrol cars with hybrid cars. These two top green products should be on the first places.

  4. I’m not very familiar with these top green products. Sincerely, I’ve never thought to be green. I thought that even if I try to be green it will not count. A person cannot change the world. But now I realize that if all people thought like me, these top green products would not even exist.

    1. Camil, know I hope you’ve started using top green products. I’m glad you realized how bad was your judgment. A person cannot change the world, but we are more. With time we will become more and more. And, eventually I think I will all use only top green products.

  5. In my opinion one of the most important top green products is the energy saving light bulb. It saves a lot of energy. It costs a little more than regular bulbs but it surly makes a big difference. Like you said, it is the easiest way to be green. It must be the first in top green products.

    1. I guess every person think like Ianna. Energy saving lightbulbs are the most important top green products. So what they cost a little more than regular bulbs? You will regain your money after using it. I would have put energy saving light bulb on the first place among these top green products too.

  6. Good post about top green products. But, I cannot understand how non-flush urinals work. I mean, how they maintain the same level of hygiene? To me, they don’t seem to be very hygienic. I wouldn’t put these in top green products.

    1. You people are so stupid. Eminescu, have you read careful what it is said about these top green products? It says that non flush urinals maintain the same level of hygiene. If you don’t know how they work why don’t you search on the internet? Read about them and then come here and say again that you would not put them among these top green products.

  7. I wouldn’t have thought video conferencing being in top green products. But now, after I read this article I realize that they are indeed something green. Video conferencing save money, energy, time, fuel etc. They are definitely one of the top green products. Maybe even first in this top.

  8. My top 3 in top green products are energy saving light bulb, bikes and dry shampoo. These are the most important top green products to me. I think this because they are more realistic than the others. And they are also easier to become true.
    For example is much easier to buy a bulb than to buy a hybrid car.

    1. Winona, you’re right. These 3 top green products are the best. But even if a hybrid car is harder to buy than a led bulb, it saves much more resources than the bulb. And eventually you will save more money. But even so, all these top green products are amazing.

  9. I don’t agree with some of your top green products. One example is non-flush urinals. To me these products are something disgusting. And how can they be hygienic? These top green products should not exist.

    1. Octavia, I do not understand you. Do you know how these non-flush urinals work? You must inform yourself before saying something stupid. These non-flush urinals are some of the best top green products. A single one saves 40,000 gallons of water each year. Isn’t this amazing? And if you had read carefully the article you would have seen that these top green products maintain the same level of hygiene.

  10. These top green products are something we all should use. For example smart flush bags. I don’t think it is hard to buy a product like this. Like you said it saves water without effort. You just put it inside your toilet. I think it is one of the easiest top green products to use.

    1. Mabel, I don’t agree with you. These two top green products are good because they are green.
      At home I have a smart flush bag. It isn’t something unhygienic at all. You don’t need thousands of liters of water when you flush the toilet. It is probably one of the first in top green products.

    2. I agree with both these guys. Smart flush bags are some of the easiest top green products to use. And they are also hygienic. Like Ondin said you don’t need gallons of water when you flush the toilet. And these top green products know exactly how much water to use.

  11. Sincerely, I’ve never heard about some of these top green products. For example non-flush urinals or smart flush bags. Firstly, I don’t think they are so hygienic. Secondly, toilets have a lot of germs and I don’t think we must talk about saving water in these situations. I don’t agree with these two top green products.

  12. I’m using some of these top green products. I would also like to buy a hybrid car, especially now when the price for gas increased so much. Unfortunately I cannot afford one for the moment.
    But, using these top green products made me save a lot of money. For example the energy saving light bulb or even the dry shampoo made me save energy, water and eventually money.

    1. These top green products help you to save a lot of money. Try to keep all that money you’ve saved. I’m sure it is a lot. And you can use this money to pay a part of the hybrid car you want.
      I’m glad to hear there are people who want to help the environment and buy top green products.

  13. I haven’t tried some of these top green products. For example I haven’t tried the dry shampoo. I don’t even understand how you can wash your hair without water. It’s a little complicated, isn’t it? Because I have never tried this I wouldn’t put it in top green products.

    1. I have used dry shampoo before when I was camping and did not have access to water. I do not recommend doing it every day. Once in a while it is fine. But you have to have water to work up a lather to really clean your hair properly.

  14. Bikes are definitely the most important from this list of top green products. They are one of the greenest products. You save fuel and you’re green while you are having fun. To me cycling is one of my favorite activities. So, in my opinion bikes are on first place in top green products.

  15. I love being green. Using top green products is part of my everyday living. I use a green PC and also an energy saving light bulb. I go at work with my bike or even on foot. I often wash my hair with a dry shampoo and I have a smart flush installed inside my toilet. What I haven’t tried yet from these top green products is a voltaic generator laptop bag, but I’m sure I’ll buy one.

  16. I’ve never thought that there exist some top green products like voltaic generator laptop bag. It sounds very interesting. A bag that uses solar panels in order to charge your laptop is something great. I will surely buy a bag like this. It is probably the best from top green products you wrote about.

  17. Sincerely, I haven’t tried any of these top green products. Not even a bike. I don’t even know how to ride it. Shame on me, no? I promise that by the end of this year I will have learned how to ride a bike.

  18. I would really love to have a voltaic generator laptop bag. I hadn’t known that exist a bag like this. It is probably one of the most interesting top green products from your list. But it is efficient, because I’m strongly thinking to buy one? It is one of my favorite top green products.

  19. I haven’t tried many top green products from your list. I’m very curious how the dry shampoo works. How can this shampoo wash you without water? I guess this dry shampoo is one of the most practical top green products. I would really like to try it.

  20. I guess video conferencing is one of the most used top green products by companies. If a company wants to start going green they should start with it. This top green product is probably the easiest way for a company for going green. The technology advanced so they are replacing the regular conferences. It is good because this way companies are reducing costs by reducing the use of fuel, time etc.

  21. I do not agree with some of your top green products. I like very much hygiene. If you want to be healthy you must think hard at hygiene. Non-flush urinals and smart flush bags are 2 top green products I don’t agree with. They don’t seem at all hygienic so I would never try them.

  22. From these top green products I’ve only used the energy saving light bulbs. For a year I’ve stopped using regular bulbs. I can surely say they do make a difference. You should all try and see. Energy saving light bulbs are in my opinion the number one in the top green products ranking.

  23. Dry shampoo may seem like a really good idea. But in a way it is sort of gross. How can you completely get your hair clean with out water? My guess is you could not use it all the time. Just once in a while to save money.

  24. These top green products are not good only for the environment. They are also good for your time and also for your pocket. Think about the dry shampoo. When you are in a hurry and you really need to take a shower, isn’t a dry shampoo your salvation? And also like the author said, with these top green products, you save time, resources, money, effort etc.

    1. I agree with Tutumo. All these green products are good if you are interested in going green, but also good if you want to save money. All of you who don’t believe us you should start using them and see we are right. And you should start with energy saving light bulbs. They are number 1 in this top green products list.

  25. Firstly, my wife bought us some green products for cleaning the house. Those products were surely top green products. And there are so many top green products which are better than the chemical ones. For a few years I’ve only ‘hunted’ them. They are not toxic and neither harming us or the environment.

  26. There are some top green products I would really love to own. For example a hybrid car. It is probably one of your best top green products.
    When you want to go green it isn’t a product you want to start with. But driving one instead of a regular car would be definitely a good way to be green.

  27. All these top green products are great. I have nothing to say against them. Not that they aren’t hygienic. Not that they are expensive. All top green products are good for the planet and in fact, for us.

  28. Energy saving light bulbs are of course on first place in this top green products list . They are probably one of the most used/common top green products. Everyone needs light so everyone needs lightbuls.

    Bikes are also a good green product. I would like to see more people riding bikes.

  29. What about recycled toliet paper. This is a great green product. The one I buy is called small steps. It is no more expensive than other brands. And I can not tell a difference.

  30. From all these top green products I would like to buy a hybrid car. This is one of the top green products I don’t own for the moment. I have a bike and I’ve used a dry shampoo. I want something bigger. A hybrid car is my dream for the moment.

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